The ongoing series of
Govhack events has demonstrated the value of bringing together data technologists and developers to innovate over open data aggregations. ANDS and its partners are seeking to learn from this experience and build on its success by sourcing (mostly science) data from CSIRO and a number of NCRIS data holders.
We are pleased to announce ANDS, CSIRO, NeCTAR, TERN, ALA, AURIN, RDS, AuScope, IMOS and University of Melbourne have
joined forces to put on a weekend Hackfest in Lab 14, Carlton Connect, University of Melbourne (700 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053).
Fri, 4 March, 7pm - 10pm.
Sat, 5 March, 9.30am - 10pm
Sun, 6 March, 9.30-4pm
Melbourne Science Hackfest aims to:
- Foster connections/interactions between data consumers and NCRIS, CSIRO data
- Promote data synthesis activities across different domains
- Encourage the development of innovative data products or knowledge systems
that may be useful to the wider public
- Demonstrate the innovative value of CSIRO and NCRIS data
- Further Australia's ability to respond to our grand challenges,
especially using data of national significance