Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
The Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) connects ecosystem scientists and enables them to collect, contribute, store, share and integrate data across disciplines. Collectively this increases the capacity of the Australian ecosystem science community to advance science and contribute to effective management and sustainable use of our ecosystems.
The TERN data discovery portal provides access to all of the stored data across the ecosysten science community.
The TERN portal provides a wide variety of ecosystem datasets including datasets on:
- plants
- animals
- terrestrial ecosystems
- ecological dynamics
- fresh water and esturine ecosystems
- soils
- agriculture
- oceans and coasts
- climate
- human-nature interaction, and
- energy, water and gas
You can search their data discovery portal directly, and they also provide a spatial-based search if you’re looking for ecosystem data from a particular area.
These datasets are collated from a distributed set of data facilities - you can read more about these facilities and the sorts of data they provide on the data submission page here.
TERN is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and the Super Science Initiative. You can contact the TERN portal team using their contact form here or send an email to tern.portal@tern.org.au.